Here’s all the people that make us sound super-famous. Believe it or not, these are all legitimate pieces of publicity! – yeah, we’re shocked too!!!
NEW! Okay, I don’t know if this is “press” necessarily, but it is public promotion so I’m throwing it in this section. We got word that a guy we’ve never met before who lives in St. Louis has earned the distinguished honor of being the first superFan to get a Shooting Blanks tattoo! CLICK HERE to see the picture of it. This is not a doctored photograph – 100% authentic and 100% awesome.
Well, they say that any press is good press, right? – we hope so. Take a look at this “typo” in the May 14th issue of The Reader – a publication that is circulated to millions of people in the Chicagoland area. CLICK HERE to see what is not the first (and certainly will not be the last) in a long string of Shooting Blanks PR nightmares….
Our CD ‘Wasted Time’ actually got a halfway-decent review from the March 2004 edition of the notable Chicagoland publication The Illinois Entertainer. We were happy about that, cuz they’re brutal to a lot of bands they review. Click Here to read about how much we rule.
I’m not sure this qualifies as “press”, but it’s pretty fucking funny nevertheless. So, SHOOTING BLANKS was about to get a show at Durty Nellies in Palatine until the manager found out how morally reprehensible we are. Click Here to see a copy of the super-badass e-mail that I received from the booking guy!
Punk Rock Reviews has the distinguished honor of being the first mass-media outlet to review SHOOTING BLANKS’ first full-length release ‘Wasted Time’ – Click Here to read our praises.
Our crack team of media hunters just made us aware of a CD review for our ‘Nuclear Family’ EP that’s probably been online for a year or so. It was done by ChicagoGigs.com, and for some reason, it’s actually quite complementary – you can read the whole thing by cliking here.
Wanna learn more about the mysterious members of SHOOTING BLANKS?!? – tap into the inner psyche of Hoffman, Brey, and Deech by clicking here to read interview done for Music With Meaning 4
The media outcry for more SHOOTING BLANKS interviews was too much for Hoffman’s secretary to handle, so he finally caved and talked to the lovely ladies of “Rock Or Not” – you can click here to read the whole thing!
Click here to read a mildly-flattering review of SHOOTING BLANKS’ debut EP, “Nuclear Family”, from Travis Shope of PopPunk.com!
Click here to read a cutting-edge exclusive interview with SHOOTING BLANKS’ super-seXXXy singer/guitarist Matt Hoffman – thanks to the gals at Local Shibby for that one!
‘Nuclear Family’ was reviewed, and we were featured all over the April 2002 edition of the Fellowship Of The Punk monthly publication – get the PDF version of the whole newsletter by clicking here! (Acrobat Reader will be required to view it – you can click here to download that)
SHOOTING BLANKS was Pick It Up Records’ featured band for April 2002 – click here to see all the nonsense!
You always knew that we were scum, but now Punk Rock Freak-Out has made us its SCUM Of The Week! – click here to check out the interview that they did with Matt Hoffman
Click here to read yet another in the series of raving reviews to our debut EP “Nuclear Family – this one comes from the fine
If any of you catch any SHOOTING BLANKS press items that our on-staff media hunters haven’t found yet, e-mail [email protected]
and if we think it’s super-cool enough, we’ll send you out a free SHOOTING BLANKS PRIZE PACK, complete with everything you’ll need to be the envy of all your friends!!!