12/9/04 – As a Christmas reward for those of you who have already purchased The Sticky Album, hop on over to the Super-Secret Super-Sticky page of the website and log in to see the brand new animated music video for “My Fault”!!! Also, don’t forget to check out SHOOTING BLANKS’ last show of 2004 this weekend at Wise Fool’s Pub in Chicago! There’s important parking information on the “SHOWS” section of the website, as well as a $2-off discount flyer….
11/23/04 – Hey, kids – just a quick update here to let you know that the new CDs are in and are shipping right now!!! So, get your preorders in for “The Sticky Album” so that on our blowout CD-Release Show on January 1st, you can be in the front row singing along to every word!!! Also, you’ll have access to the Super-Secret Super-Sticky page. Having out CD will give you the popularity that you could only have dreamed of having in your awkward high school years, so PRE-ORDER NOW!!!…
Oh, and on a side note – HAPPY DRINKSGIVING, EVERYONE!!! Click Here for a look back to SHOOTING BLANKS’ DrinksGiving celebration last year!….
10/7/04 – Well, ‘The Sticky Album’ is mixed, mastered, and has been sent out for duplication. Although the official public release of the new SHOOTING BLANKS CD in stores and at shows will not be until late-November/early-December, you can pre-order your copy right now!!! If you pre-order the CD, your copy of ‘The Sticky Album’ will be in your hands a month before anyone else can get it!!! If you don’t like spending money on strange SHOOTING BLANKS shit, we don’t blame you – that is why the SHOOTING BLANKS promotional empire has created a new pop-up media player that allows you to listen to every track on the album before you buy it! Of course, there’s plenty of hidden goodies on the CD that only paying fans will receive – including the password to access the S.S.S.S. (Super-Secret Super-Sticky) Page of the website that has tons of extra features and downloads for the superFans! So, what’re you waiting for – pre-order ‘The Sticky Album’ now!!!….
9/13/04 – We just got out of a long weekend in the studio. Thanks to the crew at Uptown Recording we got all the instruments and four vocal tracks done in a span of two extremely full days. Due to scheduling conflicts, we may not be able to get into the studio to finish the rest of the vocal tracks and mix until next week, but we estimate no more than 2 more weeks before the CD is completely done. We also shot pictures for the layout artwork, and Deech finished the official cover design, which you can see by CLICKING HERE. The album is sounding really good (well, as good as a SHOOTING BLANKS album can sound), so we’re sure that all you sureFans will be happy with it. If not, then you can go fuck yourselves….
8/27/04 – The new CD has officially been titled. Back in the day, The Beatles revolutionized music with The White Album. Decades later, Metallica revamped their sound with their ‘Black Album’. In that same era, Weezer released the ever-popular ‘Blue Album’ and followed it up 5-years later with their ‘Green Album’. Now, ladies and gentlemen, SHOOTING BLANKS is proud to bring to you The Sticky Album – chock full o’ 11-tracks of sticky goodness that is sure to re-invent music as we know it…..or at least do a solid job jumping on the bandwagon of today’s hottest musical trends. Whatever the case, gear-up because The Sticky Album will be coming at you in about a month!…..
8/10/04 – Due to some minor scheduling setbacks, the new album recording has been delayed a month. But, we have officially re-scheduled recording for the 2nd week of September, and hope to have the album released by late September or early October. We’re recording, mixing, and mastering all tracks at Uptown Recording, and this is guaranteed to be a fucking fantastic release. In the meantime, since we’re playing a bulk of the new material at all of our shows, we have posted the lyrics and tabs to our new masterpieces on the website so that you can sing along like the drunkPunk superFans that you are….
6/25/04 – First things first – a date has been officially set to record the new album!!! We’ll be hitting the studio the first week of August, and should have the new full-length CD released by the end of that month. Note that I said we should have it released – keeping with the SHOOTING BLANKS tradition of nothing ever going as planned, you probably won’t hear our new material recorded until 2007….
In other news, we got a huge show lined-up at The Double Door on July 24th. It’ll be our first big show back after a long break, and we’ll be sharing the stage with our good friends Drawing A Blank, as it is their CD release show! It’s a Saturday night, and you have plenty of notice to get out, so there’s no excuse – no matter what you do, do not miss this show!!!…
Finally, our brand new music video for ‘She Loves Me Cuz I Rock’ premiered to rave reviews on JBTV the other night. If you didn’t catch it or if you just thought it totally kicked-ass, be sure to email your video requests for SHOOTING BLANKS to [email protected] so that the video stays in regular rotation, and you can catch it in upcoming weeks. Thanks again to all of you superFans that took the time to log requests for us – we really appreicate it, and we owe you all ‘happy-ending’ massages next time we see you…..
5/27/04 – Some of you may have heard some rumors a while back about SHOOTING BLANKS being on a new reality television show. We hadn’t heard anything in a while, so we figured it was a scam, but maybe not – I recieved an official letter in the mail yesterday, and here is an excerpt:
“On behalf of All Artist Access we would like to make you aware of the recent postponement for the All Artist Reality TV Show…However, we are happy to inform you that production has been given the green light to proceed. We kindly ask that you be patient…The major network scheduling plans are still in the works…We hope that you would like to remain a contestant for the All Artist Reality TV Show. Again, we apologize for any inconvenience.”
The letter was longer, but that’s the cliffnotes version of it. Anyway, it looks like it’s a long, hard, rocky road to fame, but we’ll be invading an idiot box near you sometime in the not-so-distant future. Thanks for all your support, superFans, and we’ll keep you posted!….
4/26/04 – Wow – almost two months since I’ve last updated this section. I’m setting new records of laziness and procrastination for myself. I can’t say the same for SHOOTING BLANKS, however, as we have just got done shooting our BRAND NEW music video for the hit single “She Loves Me Cuz I Rock”. You kids will love this one – it’s full of blood, action, blood, comedy, sex appeal, and more blood. We went full-on gore-style for this, and I’m sure it will be a fan-favorite. A special thanks goes out to Betty Burbank from The Burbanks for playing the role of the crazy bitch in the video. It should be fully edited within a week, and we’ll try and get it up in the MEDIA section of the website as soon as possible. Probably not, though – we’re inefficient fucks…..
Also, you superFans keep asking us about when we’re ever going to have all-ages shows – well, you’re in luck. We have TWO all-ages shows coming up in the near future, so I expect to see all you ripe young kiddies out there supporting us and telling us how amazingly seXXXy we are. That’s all for now – I’ll update you again in a few months….
3/4/04 -It’s about time for an update, I guess, since it’s been over a month. First off, you can read a mildly-decent review of us in the March edition of the Illinois Entertainer magazine. I’ll post the link to the online review in our “press” section once IE updates their website….
In other news we’re leaving for Super Tour 2004 next week. We’re hoping to make it back in one piece, but not optimistic about it. Last tour we lost a drummer, so if we could just not break up the band this time, that would already be an improvement….
Please plan on coming out to out first show back from tour on March 26th at Hoghead McDunna’s – it’s gonna be a balls-out crazy night, and we’re doing a super-long 90-minute set. Half the songs we’re playing will be covers, so if you’re not into hearing us massacre our own music, then maybe you’ll like us brutalizing the music of your favorite hit bands!….
We have a lot of new music we’ve been working on, and we hope to have our new album recorded by the end of summer. Let us know what you think of the “unfamiliar” songs that you hear at our show, cuz we love nothing more than to hear how much our music is getting less-and-less enjoyable with age and maturation…..
1/25/04 -Well, at long last SHOOTING BLANKS finally actually has t-shirts to sell! (special thanks to Crazy Coconut Creations) They kick tons of ass, so go buy a bunch of them right now. Also, we finished shooting AND editing our brand new music video for “Louder!”. It looks awesome, but you’d never know it since we have no means of posting it on the website in a high-quality fashion. You can see it all shitty and grainy in our MEDIA section, though. It’s on it’s way to JBTV though, so hopefully it’ll be on air in a couple of weeks. That’s it for now. Super Tour 2004 is still going as planned, so if you or anyone you know will be in California or Vegas in March, check out where we’re playing and come on out to have a few drinks with us…
1/16/04 – Happy new year, sluts! I actually have a reason for doing a news update, other than the fact that I feel I haven’t updated this section in a while. So, without further adu, here’s what’s happening in the world of SHOOTING BLANKS.
First off, we’re shooting a new music video tomorrow of “Louder!”. Hopefully it’ll be edited within a week or two, and then we have to figure out how to get it up on our site. If anyone can help out with that, please contact us and let us know.
Secondly, we should have a bunch more tour dates for our upcoming trek out to California, sponsored by Flipout Records. We’ll also most likely be playing a show in Vegas on a Friday night, so if any of you want to plan a vacation around rock-n-roll, please come out to hang out and get hammered with us!
Lastly, it’s been over two years since we’ve had t-shirts to sell, but that’s all changing! We’re getting a whole new crop of shirts in (probably) next weekend, and they look totally badass. Thanks to Crazy Coconut Creations for the hook-up with those. All proceeds from the sale of those shirts are going to fund our tour, so please help us out by buying one or several of them.
Well, that’s all for now, kids….
12/30/03 – Hello. I really don’t have anything good to say, but it’s been so fucking long since I’ve written a news update that I figure I should say something before 2004 in case one of us dies from alcohol poisioning on New Year’s Eve. So, despite the fact that things usually don’t work out for SHOOTING BLANKS, our Super Tour 2004 is still looking like it will happen. Flipout Records should be starting to get official shows down for us by late January or so.
Other than that, SHOOTING BLANKS would like to wish everyone a happy and non-self-destructive New Year’s. Keep us in your hearts and in your livers, and we’ll see all you sluts in 2004!…
11/24/03 – Yeah, I’d say that two-months is long enough – time for a long-overdue news update! First and foremost, we have a huge show coming up next week – SHOOTING BLANKS will be headlining their very first show at The Double Door! The best part about it is that it’s absolutely FREE!!! – just CLICK HERE to print up your free ticket! In other news, we’ve decided that it’s time for a tour again, so with some help and sponsorship from Flipout Records, it looks like we’ll be heading out West in March of 2004 – more news on that as it unfolds. In the meantime, keep your pimp-hand up and your pants down, and we’ll see ya at the show….
9/29/03 – Holy shit – two news updates in less than two weeks! Just a quick note that we updated the picture gallery so that you can now register as a user and then post ridiculous comments on all the bullshit you see….
9/21/03 – We’re about due for a news update, so here’goes…
We made an enormous upgrade to our web server recently, and as you can tell, we have a brand new website. Deech laid out the framework for it, and I’m still fine-tuning it right now, so it should be fully-functional in no time. We also got a brand new ad-free message board, and we created a kick-ass photo album. Now we just need to start taking more pictures at our shows.
Thanks again for all the support from friends and fans – we’ll be back on track in Mid-November with Deech, and we’ve got some amazing shows planned, so keep checking the site.
I wanna start off by offering undying thanks and praise to the guys in Low Profile for helping us to finish out our shows while Deech sits on his ass. Eric & Erik have been a huge help, and the rest of SHOOTING BLANKS is really looking forward to firing Deech once he’s better….
8/11/03 – Well, kids, Lady Luck has been pissing all over SHOOTING BLANKS recently. In the span of a week, I got my amp stolen, and Deech broke his pelvis breakdancing at a wedding. Consequently, SHOOTING BLANKS is on an indefintely long hiatus. Deech has been in the hospital since Saturday, and we think he’s getting released today – he’s supposed to be out-of-commission for three months, so send your good tidings or hate mail to [email protected]. Hang tight, superFanz – we’ll keep you posted when it’s time to unleash our rock to the world again…..
7/6/03 – Haven’t updated this section in a while, so I figured I’d say a couple of words. First off, thanks to everyone who has supported SHOOTING BLANKS by buying our new CD “Wasted Time”. We have a lot of great shows coming up, and some more videos in the works too. A new SHOOTING BLANKS message board has just been created, so hop on there and start some scandalous rumors. There’s also a new high-quality version of the “Ignore Me” music video, but it’s a huge download, so I suggest just buying our CD cuz the video’s on there already (along with a full-version of the ever-popular “Deech vs. Stapp” video game!). That’s it for now – see ya….
5/29/03 – Another month has passed, so I guess I’ll let you know what’s going on in SHOOTING BLANKS Land. Fist off, our new CD should be in next week, and we have a scheduled CD Release Show that you should all try to make it out to. Secondly, you’ll notice some changes to the site – there’s been updates in the music, lyrics, and tabs section. Also, you can now order the new full-length computer-enhanced CD online via credit card!!!
Another thing we have started is a street team. We encourage you to sign up if you are interested in helping out with promotions. In return for your assistance, you’ll get free select merchandise, free admittance to our shows, and you’ll have access to street-team-only contests. If you’re interested, check out the “Street Team” page for details.
Please keep those video requests coming to JBTV, as there’ll be more to come this summer – thanks for all the support!!!….
4/27/03 – WOO-HOO! – the new CD is finally done being recorded!!! That’s right, sluts – all finished, and should be ready for release within the next month or so. Thanks to everyone who helped out and who comes to our shows. There’s a few new songs for you to download and listen to now as well as new guitar tabs to go along with them, so be sure to check those out, and let us know what you think….
3/18/03 – Alright, SHOOTING BLANKS really needs your help here. Please do one (or more) of the following things to help get our video for “Ignore Me” played on JBTV. Do these all the time, every week until you die:
1) E-mail your request for “Ignore Me” by SHOOTING BLANKS to [email protected]
2) Go to www.JBTVonline.com/main.html and on the bottom right of the screen there’s a box to request a video – go there and fill in a request for “Ignore Me” by SHOOTING BLANKS
3) Stand outside the WJYS studios located at 216 W. Ohio Street in Chicago completely nude with “Play ‘Ignore Me’ by Shooting Blanks” painted on your hot oily body
Thanks in advance for your help and support – you fans kick ass!….
3/12/03 – Time for another news update? – why not. The music video for “Ignore Me” will be in the mail to JBTV this week, so we’ll let you know when to start bothering the fuck out of that show to play us. There’s a new interview from the girls at “Rock Or Not” posted in the “press” sectionof the site. Other than that, we’d like to get our video up on our website somehow, but we only have limited storage space, so if anyone wants to help out us poor, lonely, scared drunkPunkers by hosting our video, e-mail me and let me know. Thanks to everyone who comes to our shows all the time – you guys kick ass…..
2/22/03 – Believe the hype, superFans – the SHOOTING BLANKS MEGA-MALL is now open for business. Continue to check back, because we’ll be adding tons more merchadise in the near future!!!…
2/17/03 – Even though I have nothing to say, I figured it was about time to update this section of the site. We just finished shooting our video for the song “Ignore Me”, and although it is not edited yet, the raw footage turned out great. Hopefully we should have it done within a month, and then we’ll need all of you to hound JBTV for SHOOTING BLANKS! In other news, we’re recording “If I Was A Girl” this weekend, and then we’re wrapping up the recording of our full-length CD on April 26th with 3 final songs, so we’re almost done! As always, keep loving us and sending us your money…..
1/20/03 – For all of you old-skool SHOOTING BLANKS fans out there, you may remember a little ditty called ‘Mindfuck’ – well, we just got done recording a brand new version thanks to Justin of Parr-5. It kicks ass, and isn’t as pussy as the original version. How can you, the superFan get to hear it? – I dunno. You may have to wait until our full-length release, but if the demand for the song is so overwhelming, then maybe we’ll post it. E-mail us if you’re really interested, and I’ll see what I can do. Otherwise, head out to the huge FOTPunk VFW show this weekend to hear the premier of our new song “If I Was A Girl”…
1/8/03 – Happy New Year, superFans!!! Hope everyone had a drunken and reckless holiday season. I know SHOOTING BLANKS has said in the past that we’d have a new full-length CD for you, but this time I think we really mean it. We’ve also made promises of a music video, and this time I think we’re really gonna be doing that soon too. Maybe we’ll just go into politics. Anyway, there’s a couple new lyrics to some new songs we’ll be playing soon, and also a new section with guitar tabs on the website, so now you can steal our songs and make them your own – have fun, kiddies!!!….
CLICK HERE for “THE STICKY ALBUM” pop-up media player!
| 2004 | 2002 |
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